Learn French: A Comprehensive Guide to Learning French for Beginners, Including Grammar and 2500 French Words in Context
Paperback | 358 pages
If you’re looking to learn French fast without having to go through boring textbooks, then keep reading…
Two manuscripts in one book:
- French: Learn French for Beginners: A Simple Guide that Will Help You on Your Language Learning Journey
- Mastering French Words: Level Up Your Vocabulary with Over 2500 French Words in Context
Do you want to let go of your difficulties to learn French?
Have you tried learning French through boring textbooks…but nothing seems to stick for more than a few weeks?
Do you finally want to say goodbye to forgetfulness and discover something which works for you?
If so, then you’ve come to the right place.
You see, learning French doesn’t have to be difficult.
Even if you’ve tried other solutions which didn’t work before.
Learn French: A Comprehensive Guide to Learning French for Beginners, Including Grammar and 2500 French Words in Context focuses on creating incremental progress and easy-to-use memos for you to learn and remember information that you can reuse anytime.
You will be able to discuss interesting topics or interact with native speakers while getting your point across and making yourself understood.
Some of the topics covered in part 1 of this book include:
- Pronunciation basics
- Genders and articles in French
- Creating plurals in French (nouns)
- Adjectives
- Pronouns in French
- Formulating questions
- The present tense in French
- Negations in French
- Common prepositions
- Comparatives and superlatives
- At the train station
- The French imparfait
- Numbers
- How to tell the hour
- What’s today’s date? A short guide
- The future tense in French
- His, Her, Their: Possessive articles in French
- The Imperative Mood
- The Subjunctive Mood
- The Passive Voice
- Vocabulary banks
- At the airport
- At the restaurant
- Study, School & Work
- Learning French: Booster paragraphs
- And much, much more
Some of the topics covered in part 2 of this book include:
- Articles, Pronouns and Common Prepositions
- Common Adjectives
- Time and Space
- Common Adverbs
- Houses and Lodgings
- Common French Verbs: an Overview
- Buying Things and Paying
- Numbers and the Hour
- Arguing: Common Verbs and Nouns
- Informal Speech / Interjections
- Meeting Someone
- Scheduling a Get-Together:
- Traveling
- And much, much more